At Flowers Express Co, we strive to ensure every customer is satisfied with their purchase. If you wish to return or refund your order, please notify us before the delivery starts. We will be happy to assist you.
If you would like to refund your order, please inform us by Email before 9 am on the selected delivery day, and we can accommodate your request. However, any return or refund requests made after 9 am on the delivery day will not be approved. Also, the same-day orders are not within the scope of refund .
We rely on accurate shipping and delivery information to ensure that your order arrives at the intended destination on time. If you provide inaccurate delivery information, we can re-deliver the order to the recipient the next day, subject to a minimum fee of $10, based on the delivery distance. However, we cannot refund the order.
Please note that the photos displayed online are for reference only and represent the general style and theme of the bouquets.And due to the perishable nature of our flowers, we cannot exchange or refund your order once it has been delivered to the shipping/delivery address you provided.
If you have any questions or concerns about our Refund & Return Policy, please do not hesitate to contact us at Our team will be happy to assist you.